Tuesday, May 6, 2008

What Does The Queens Cargo Van Cost?

Bombs 2 ... 300 000

Here is a blog ( http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.fr ) little known, yet it is a veritable source of information on the military. According to this journalist for the Liberation of France to spend more than 300 000 Saturday, April 19 in Afghanistan. Two new missiles to about 150 000 euros each plus the cost of the flight. Without certainty that the targets have been met ....
should not be mistaken about what those targets Taliban ... which everyone knows is such that their arms, shielding so important that it is essential to use the most advanced weapons. The military has always used war as the best training ground, and the French generals must be thrilled to have tested their new weapons. Do not forget: men are dead, there is no clear military strategy in Afghanistan and our troops at risk at any time to be injured or worse killed.
must remember here that members, including Francois Bayrou, refused to vote for censure against a government that sent our troops into war without strategy, without possibility of release and potentially unnecessarily the lives of our soldiers. Members chose not to vote for the censure does not appear ally of the Socialists rather than protecting the lives of French soldiers.
Finally, it must be remembered that not only the war at a cost extremely important, it does not bring peace but it takes place without any media coverage.
Democratic control on the use of armed forces is still an illusion in this country.

The blog post below
http://secretdefense.blogs.liberation.fr/ : 23/04/2008

In Afghanistan, the Rafale shoot their new AASM bomb
Reportedly, the gusts of air force in Kandahar fired, Saturday, April 19 and for the first time their new AASM bomb (Modular Air-Ground Armament) guided by GPS and inertial. Two
gear 250 kg were fired during the same mission, for a Rafale who had no visual on the target. Ground operators (TACP) provided the GPS coordinates of the target to the plane then proceeded to fire. The goal was reached, was about 200 meters of Allied ground troops, sources said it is not possible to verify it. The AASM
enter into service in the Air Force. It is a weapon similar to the JDAM bomb U.S. and more sophisticated, experts say. The AASM has been developed by Sagem. It exists in two versions, one GPS-guided (accuracy: 10 meters), the other also receiving an infra-red (accuracy of one meter). Only the first version is now supplied. According to the drop altitude, the glider bomb has a range of several tens of kilometers.
The Air Force and Navy should acquire 3,000 of its kits guide, for a total cost estimated at 430 million ( source: Parliamentary 2006). Or, anyway, 143.000 euros each!