Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Laser Lipolysis Phuket Price

Black ... I have to sleep ...

I can not get to sleep, it's late and I have court tomorrow, I definitely need sleep.

I turn off the light, I lie on my bed with a goal, do not think ... why this goal? to sleep more quickly may be, no it's not to think of Sabrina, and she is what she thinks of me? maybe she has found a good man, who makes her laugh, which makes her happy, she deserves to be happy, and my father for what he is not speaking to me, maybe it's me that makes me ideas ... I need to stop thinking.

I open the window I light a clop, clop of the kind that kindles hope to find serenity in the mud of the filter, the street is quiet, there is nothing to see, it is great that is exactly what I had want to see, I feel the warmth of the filter on my fingers, and still no sign of that fucked serenity, with a second can be clo ... shit! I dropped the butt on the laundry neighbors.
The brain has a curious way to determine the severity of a situation, he compares it with the situations we have already lived, and necessarily I said nothing pfff fuck. The

seriously I have to sleep and ... say it was a time I love myself, I can not remember but I know, like when you are on a bus and then you wonder "is that I shut the door leaving?" you look at your keys, and without remembering the exact moment you're told "I close" because you never know if you did not close the fucking door, then you is even more pitiful than you thought.

If I continue like this I will not sleep at night ... I'll try to write some lines, just to decompress a bit.

turn on my PC, I log on the internet, no one on MSN, it is normal three o'clock in the morning, I open my blog and I write:

I can not get to sleep, it's late and I have court tomorrow ..."