Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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Review readers

By Nestorine here: http://teatextandfun.canalblog.com/archives/2010/08/ 23/18803829.html

# Mediator Irene Frachon

I was afraid that this book is a little dry, austere, that reading is too difficult for me, filled with medical jargon or scientific ! I even planned what to take notes and the dictionary at your fingertips! And in fact I was very surprise that the document reads like a novel and I devoured in one go: I really wanted to know how it would all end! I do not know why I compare it to a novel because there is nothing romanticized in there, everything is true, the author herself said she wanted to testify "as the more factual possible "and that is indeed the way things are presented.

But I think it is humanity that shows through behind this simple and effective testimony as catching the reader: I have not rested the book before it was finished, I highlighted many passages, j 'I was frightened by others and I promised myself to learn more about the protagonists of this "business" and how some utilities operate.

I am not sufficiently qualified to judge the controversy that surrounds this book but as an average reader the impression I just watch the battle of the earthen pot against the iron pot, and I happily say that there are some people like Irene Frachon, ready to shake up everything, put their life on hold for their ideas and to resist the lure of the powerful pharmaceutical labs (very difficult thing when you see the little public subsidies granted to hospitals, looking ... to function properly). I naively thought the independence of certain public bodies and I realize that pharmaceutical labs are working everywhere, including in the field of pharmacovigilance (surveillance of adverse drug reactions) which I think is absurd!

Beside, the book makes one wonder about the diktat of thinness: we talk a lot, everywhere, all the time, it becomes trivial. we forget that thousands of French are ready to swallow any medication that will make them lose a few pounds "extra" (relative to who, what, to what standard?) whatever the consequences. I did not know that many appetite suppressants contain amphetamine derivatives, I found it totally amazing!

In short, a good book, which moves and makes you think, very well written, extremely accessible, which reaches its goal: to alert, educate, open debate. We stay glued to deal with such determination so little attention from the authorities: hat!

to learn a bit more:


http://www.letelegramme.com/ig/generales/regions/bretagne/mediator -the-revolt-of-dr-irene-Frachon-09-06-2010-949176.php


http:/ / hebdo.nouvelobs.com/sommaire/notre-epoque/098898/seule-contre-le-mediator.html

http://www.liberation.fr/societe/0101638733-mediator-la-fin-du- appetite

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Mediator ... Case continues

The case of the Mediator is not over. GĂ©rard Bapt, PS member and Special Rapporteur of the health mission for the Finance Committee, does not hesitate to borrow the title of the book censored Irene Frachon to begin his article published in Le Monde:

Mediator, How many deaths?

Here is the link where you can read the chronicle of Gerard Bapt denouncing the pharmaceutical lobby on the French Agency for Safety of Health Products:

Frachon Irene's book, in addition to denouncing the slow procedure for banning a medication, put his finger on an urgent societal problem.