Tuesday, October 2, 2007

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Information Death Knight

of Shadows Justice

The first act of Orgrim Hammer of-destiny as a war leader of the Horde was to crush the orc warlocks of the Shadow Council. Reluctantly, he spared the former leader of the Council, Gul'dan, in exchange for its subjection. Gul'dan, in turn, vowed to create a new legion of powerful warriors to serve the Horde. After extensive experiments on the souls of the Council members recently performed, Gul'dan managed to embody the spirit of Teron Gorefiend Necrolyte in the body of a knight of Stormwind. Thus was born the first of the horrific death knights. Gul'dan transformed the sort of other Council members, creating unholy warriors who sowed chaos and terror in the land of Azeroth during the Second War.

After the desertion and death of Gul'dan, a part of the Horde, whose death knights, cross the Dark Portal to take refuge on Draenor. Most death knights who had not been eliminated disappeared with the destruction of Draenor, with the exception of Teron Gorefiend, whose face is now bitter and tormented in the Black Temple in Outland.

Champions of the Lich King

Years after the destruction of Draenor, the Lich King, a creature with immense powers, created a new breed of death knights: malevolent warriors, masters of the runes in the service of the Scourge. The first and largest of these was Prince Arthas Menethil, a powerful former paladin of the Silver Hand, who sacrificed his soul to be able to wield the rune blade Frostmourne in a desperate attempt to save his.

The death knights of today are different from those of Gul'dan: mainly of paladins who lost their faith, who have surrendered their souls to the Lich King in exchange for a promise of immortality. The Knights death of the fallen are quickly identified for return to service of their master.

In the years that followed the destruction by Arthas the Frozen Throne and merged with the Lich King, the power and fury of the death knights has only grown. Now these unrelenting crusaders of the damned eagerly await the Lich King's order to unleash their fury once again to Azeroth.


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