Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Can You Use Anbesol When Pregnant

Members of the Nation

A majority of MPs did not vote today, government censorship. A number of member right and center, although their views may diverge from the government on sending new troops in Afghanistan have refused to vote for censure. These members, like all of those who refused to vote for censure have committed a double error.
First mistake, they agreed that Parliament may again in the future not be accessed by a vote during the deployment of French troops by not penalizing a government that considers the parliamentary debate as a waste of time and something useless on such issues.
Second mistake, this one worse, they have endorsed sending our troops into a country where conflict has raged since 2001. They decided to send our troops so that no record of the action taken since 2001 has been done. They decided to send our troops without knowing what the objective and what are the means used to achieve this goal. Finally they decided to send our troops when NATO could again lead the French troops in the loss to our overall control of French troops. No goal, no strategy, no clear definition of the resources being sent so many elements that may unfortunately encourage stagnation and losses and significant damage to our troops.
Since all these members will be responsible for the death or injury of our soldiers. Once again the French soldiers are sent overseas without a clear mission as members prefer to maintain their political majorities rather than question the relevance of government decisions.
That these members understand that if a young or very young, French soldier is injured or loses his life we see Mr. Cope, Lionel Lucas, François Bayrou and his colleagues will have blood on their hands.


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