Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Delta Gamma Initiation Test

Support Charles Enderlin

Once will not hurt ... I invite you to visit the website of the Nouvel Observateur to sign a petition supporting the reporter Charles Enderlin undergoing defamation and threatened for exercising his profession in 2001.

Call Le Nouvel Observateur:
"Seven years. For seven years obstinate and hateful campaign that seeks to tarnish the professional dignity of our colleague Charles Enderlin, France 2 correspondent in Jerusalem. For seven years the same people try to portray as a "sham" and a "series of staged scenes," his report showing the death of Mohammed al-Dura, 12, was killed by gunfire from the Israeli position, 30 September 2000 in the Gaza Strip in a clash between the army Israeli and Palestinian armed elements.
On 19 October 2006, the Paris court ruled the principal organizer of this campaign, Philippe Karsenty, guilty of diffamation.L Judgement delivered on 21 May by the Court of Appeal of Paris, written by Philippe Karsenty recognizes that remarks made by him were "undoubtedly affect the honor and reputation of information professionals" but admits, curiously, the "good faith" of Philippe Karsenty, who "exercised his right of free criticism" and "n did not exceed the limits of freedom of expression. " This decision which exonerates Philippe Karsenty surprises and we inquiète.Il surprises us, because it grants the same credibility to a journalist known for the thoroughness and rigor of his work, who exercises his profession in sometimes difficult conditions and its detractors, engaged in a campaign of denial and discredit, who ignore all the realities on the ground and have no experience of journalism in a conflict zone.
It worries us because it suggests that there is now against journalists a "permission to defame" which would allow everyone in the name of "good faith", the "right of free criticism" and "free speech" to strike with impunity "in honor and reputation of information professionals."
When freedom of action of journalists is the object of repeated attacks, we reiterate our commitment to this fundamental pillar of democracy and we renew our support to Charles Enderlin and our solidarity. "
See the link for the Petition cons.

I also indicates the ticket Dominique Vital recounting this animosity against Charles Enderlin and the consequences this has on news coverage of the Palestinian Israeli conflict-°.


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