Thursday, December 23, 2010

Can You Give Your Dog Temazepam

Mediator in libraies 150 mg, what is it?

France 3 Alscace survey: the book in the bookstore Irene Frachon Strasbourg.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pine Wood Derby Car Plans Starwars

The inventor of the Mediator and his accuser

Monday, December 6, 2010

Cupcake Birthday Invitation Wording

Côte d'Ivoire: Patronage, Identity, Democracy

The failure of the electoral process in Côte d'Ivoire underscores the extreme difficulty recovering from civil conflict through the ballot box. The origins of the Ivorian civil war are many. They combine the financial incentives and political mobilization on the basis of identities.

The Ivorian state control by a group of people reported much more than the traditional gains political control of the state apparatus. Whoever has control over the state revenue control - including natural resources and agricultural - that allow him to run a full system paternalistic clientelism to maintain its domination. Therefore lose control of the state is losing source of income and all allegiances obtained. Therefore those who benefit from the system, both in the head at the base, are ready to defend it fiercely, almost as much as those who are excluded from the wish to acquire.

greed as a factor behind the conflict is increased when combined with the mobilization of grievance identity [1] . All populations living in Côte d'Ivoire for several generations does not enjoy the patronage system that works primarily around the capital and cocoa producing regions. Northern populations are excluded and the power of Laurent Gbagbo to denigrate whole sections of these populations the very fact of being Ivorian [2] .

African political leaders are often willing to point out, rightly, the artificiality of colonial boundaries, provided few countries recognize the right of the soil. In addition a significant number of countries recognize citizenship to the inhabitants and descendants of those who lived in the country before independence is either before colonization, excluding all political rights of people who migrated so after these dates.

Having control over the state to capture its resources and run a patronage system, mobilizing identities for political purposes to strengthen the sense of belonging are factors - not exclusive - the Ivorian conflict . They allow particularly to understand why the period for holding the elections will was exceeded by five long years and why the registration of voters was so bitter and costly.

Both sides were willing to participate in the electoral process as they were convinced of their victory and their turf will remain intact. In Cote d'Ivoire, as in Burundi and Kenya, the electoral process under a peacemaker. However, victory at the polls causing not only electoral defeat, but the potentiality of the collapse of a patronage system, political parties have many difficult to accept the results and are willing to use all methods to defeat an outcome that does not suit them even if the entire population plunge into chaos.

elections in Kenya and Ivory Coast have highlighted how democracy is not limited to the establishment of electoral lists, installing booths and ballot boxes and the presence of international observers. Democracy requires shared values, shared a sense of community that makes whatever the outcome all are likely to respect the choice of urns. This requires the integrity of the person exercising the power and conviction of all that every citizen will be treated the same way regardless of his identity or his vote.

Democracy is not an electoral process and it will struggle to set itself up as the players continue to receive the election as an opportunity to annihilate his opponent any other way than by force of arms. Ending the patronage, under the guarantee in practice of power, making each individual be a citizen are the primary conditions indispensable for the establishment of a sustainable democracy respected by all.

The responsibility is left to uphold the values that those of virtue against vice, of citizenship in the mobilizations against identity, democracy and human rights against the financial interests political or friendly.

Ending colonialism requires bring down colonialism in the heads, who think they can do instead of another, as one which asserts that democracy over there is different.

The differentialist, culturalists are the heirs of the twenty-first century of colonial thinking. To end colonialism is never accept the facts that in Africa we would never accept in Europe.

[1] "greed and grievance "


Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Kate's Playground Bullet

syndrome Kennedy

In 1979, Senator Ted Kennedy decided to launch in the primary race against Democrat incumbent President Jimmy Carter. Quickly

Ted Kennedy's campaign is gaining momentum (momentum ) He is almost able to beat in the primary outgoing president ... until a reporter asked a simple question:

" Senator, Why Do You Want To Be President? "

(Senator, why do you want to become President?"

Sen. Ted Kennedy plunged into an interminable two-minute response, describing the benefits of America and some of these difficulties, but never answer the question.

This response was the end of the Kennedy campaign.

How can we elect someone president who can not even answer, in simple terms, when asked why he wants to be president.

In France in 2011 ...

primaries are a great democratic tool. They allow citizens to choose who is best able represent a homogeneous political camp (the left or socialist) but where the nuances - more or less important - exist.

The people on the left is called upon to make a choice with two strong determinants:

- which shade I prefer a socialist political

- who is better able to be president

What is certain is that beyond the sensitivities of each candidate, declared or potential, they will all be able to respond a simple question: why do you want to become President?

Friday, October 29, 2010

Installing Sony Dvd Dvp-sr200p

"Prescribe" Mediator prescribed 150 mg everyone

November 2010

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Tuition Scholarships For Ankylosing Spondylitis

A full page in The World

Article taken from a field reporting by journalist Marie-Pierre Subtil
followed by a gallery of Paul Benkimoun. On 16 October 2010.

Trading Platinum Soul Silver

Back on October 13 ... When

Article published in Le Figaro of 13 October 2010.
Between 500 and 1000 deaths in France, how ... ?

Installing Sony Dvp-sr200p

Chained Duck gets involved ... The Mediator

The article in the edition of October 20, 2010.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Preparation H Waist Size

few questions

Irene Frachon answers questions from here.

Does Acepromazine Expire

The battle continues

Long Does Take Laxatives Work

A patient wins battle

Sunday, September 26, 2010

How Does Front License Plate Mount On '04 Pilot

A new day will be born to the youth of France

Below my speech during the celebration of the rose from the Loire.
My speech during the celebration of the Rose from the Loire

My dear comrades,

I first want to greet and thank for inviting the first federal de la Loire, Régis Juanico, and the facilitator Federal Socialist Youth Movement of the Loire, Pierrick Courbon.

I would also like to acknowledge the voice of our political family, Benoit Hamon.

I would also like to express the profound pleasure of mine to be here among you in working the land and struggle, at a time when our family takes political strength and vigor, and when the social movement gives hope to millions of French.

The days of strikes and demonstrations are always a great indicator of the power of the people. We can quibble about the actual figures as do the government and the President of the Republic, but the flashback will be even more terrible. By not recognizing the power of the wave through the streets the government added the disdain and contempt.

And yet, while unemployment is rising particularly among young people, working conditions and education are deteriorating at a time when employees suffer the hardest blow dealt against them since 60 years - and there has been moves past eight years - expressed in the events at the same time that anger is a joy, some enjoyment.

is the pleasure to meet. Joy to see that across generations, across professions, even as we professed to dissolve the bonds of class, as if an intermittent show, an executive at France Telecom, a student in a call center , a cashier at Aldi and always working men and women in the factories of our country, could not have aspirations. So yes, those motley crowd with different social backgrounds, this multitude, aspires to the same thing: to live with dignity in their work, to enjoy leisure time, aspire to happiness that remains more than ever a new idea.

While the right is the challenge of fatalism, social and political left has made the choice of mobilization, and once again the law of numbers - that of the people - that will reverse the most strong.


That is the role of the left, give hope, transform lives, empower women and men, individually and collectively, to achieve happiness. That is what the youth in a society that aspires to be ignorant or stigmatized.

Youth of France, they are college students, schoolchildren, students, young workers and unemployed, urban dwellers, rural districts or social relegation despite the diversity of living their lives the same reality.

The reality is that the competition of all against all starts becoming younger.

The reality is that when we are young we always suspected of being lazy, always suspected of being a profiteer. That is why rules to qualify for the RSA are not the same at 18 and 25 years, as if there were two age of majority in our country ...

The reality is that we are in a society that fears its youth and its projects.

This competition of all against all that has become the rule, it strikes young people more and earlier.

You know it means gloat regular columnists on an alleged decline in the level at the school. These discourses of religion the past, the premise of reactionary thought, are not only nonsense but are profoundly wrong with the youth.

Never has there been as many college students, high school students in our country consulting psychologists, taking anxiolytics, the number of suicide attempts has never been more important, as the case bulimia, anorexia, female and youth who suffer anxiety attacks.

Living in the country where the diploma has the most influence on your career path, and therefore your place in society, reinforces the fierce academic competition.

The explosion of tuition for ten years - funded only for the rich through tax deductions - which reflects a school can no longer be his own appeal.

But our education system is deeply unfair because it is in the European Union, that, with the Czech Republic, where social background of the child weighs more on academic achievement.

This dual reality illustrates the strength of the inequalities that plague the youth of France. When you were born overdetermines your academic success, and when the level of education to 20 years to determine the rest of your life, your place in society there is something to succumb to fate. Especially, do not be surprised by the revolt of the conquered as they know it's not only the education that they are failing.

When we realize that the size of your home, pay your parents, access to health, access or non-holidays, in addition to the cultural capital of parents sentence you from birth, success or failure is measured the extent of the failure of the republican project.


It is with this observation, and anger that animates us, that the Socialist Youth Movement was at its last Congress, at the initiative of our President Laura Deniaud, decided to conduct major national debate entitled "Outlook 2012" to develop young people's contribution to the socialist government project of our political family.

Put the heart project of socialist youth employment issues, those of housing and urban development, those in health care and social actions is the role of young socialists. At each of our debates, there are hundreds of contributions made by the federations, as here in the Loire with the conscientious work of the facilitator federal Pierrick and all of his team.

Pierrick like all federal leaders, participated in the design of our project. He was involved in the conduct of our thoughts in a triple imperative which must permeate all our proposals.

imperative of equality must be the cornerstone of any socialist project.

imperative of democracy as socialism is as much wealth sharing that the sharing of powers.

Imperative of justice and solidarity so that funding for the benefit of rights.

We in the month of February forcefully stated in the conclusion to our debate on youth employment that 4 million jobs possible.

she would be a political left that does not strive to make every effort to achieve full employment?

Who could claim to be socialist by doing more work in teaching the necessity of renunciation as the imperative to imagine and create solutions?

4 million jobs it is possible and essential for the youth of our country.

In young socialists we consistently refused to pit generations against each other, and we know all too well that the reality experienced by youth unemployment, youth workers, youth precarious not only a period of Hazing at the time of entry into the world of work, but above all a symbol of the deterioration of working conditions that affect more strongly to new entrants, and will be tomorrow's standard for all.

Young of France they do not expect specific measures for youth, but a policy that creates jobs, a policy that strengthens the rights of all employees and thus youth.

New rights is a basin steward job so that whatever the size of your business you can be defended.

New rights is to impose a premium progressive employer contributions to all companies that employ a certain percentage of temporary contracts and part-time.

New rights is to restore pay scales in collective agreements which make the minimum wage or the wage of those who have or qualification or experience early in their careers and not the prerogative of the majority of employees in this country

New rights but also new jobs. I could emphasize the importance of fair trade, ecological conversion of our industries, the importance of a plan of housing construction and rehabilitation of substandard housing and old - who are like sieves energy - but I also wish you talk about agriculture, a subject on which the bearer was Pierrick MJS, and a subject on which socialists must be heard.

4 million jobs that can also be 100,000 new jobs in agriculture within 5 years and 500 000 in ten years if we choose to get out of that abyss productivism soils, defaces our groundwater, and puts undermined farmers' incomes.

We must pay Socialist choice of the primacy of product quality, preservation of our environment and fair compensation of farmers.

This requires massive subsidies to small farms virtuous practices, encouraging farming through land reserves public agricultural use the procurement code to encourage local production, generalize AMAP - Association of Maintenance of Peasant Agriculture - to restore a direct link between producer and consumer. This is also the socialism of the XXI century.

And then, my dear fellow, you know that 4 million jobs is over $ 30 billion of revenue for social security, and even 50 billion if we put an end to exemptions social security contributions on low wages and employment of young people who only produce windfall for companies without ever creating jobs. Work at age 25 instead of 65 years is the motto of the Young Socialists.


Our debates outlook 2012 were those in employment, housing, and right now, health. Again we make the sad fact of the extensive destruction of the right and the deep desire for a left-wing politics.

Health is both a recipient of the inequalities of our society as an amplifier of them. The rest borne by families has never been more important for 30 years and a household earning less than 1500 euros a month pay was proportionately three times more than a household health expenditure related to 4000 euros per month and that for lower quality care.

Today young children who would have fewer cavities or eye problems are the children of unskilled workers, simply because they are not diagnosed.

And at the same time almost 40% of students reported give up going to a doctor for lack of resources.

fell That's where our health care system after thirty years of stigmatization of the patient, always check for suspected nothing, at the same time preventing any preventive medicine.

The health debate allows us to address a subject that no longer exists in the French political debate, except the 1st December of each year: that of AIDS.

You'll see on December 1st, Bachelot we make big statements on the fight against the epidemic, as Chirac in his time had committed to installing dispensers of free condoms in every school.

Behind these false pretenses is a very puritanical and reactionary right that we face. On the issue of AIDS, sexually transmitted infections that government is not only cynical about making nice statements, but within the inaction is criminal.

The progression of the AIDS epidemic has certainly slowed, but it continues to grow. The only thing that is profoundly decreased policies prevention, the resources allocated to the ages of 15 and 25 who have not experienced the major campaigns of the 1990s to stop playing Russian roulette with their bodies while making love. Once again the left will explode the taboo: reimbursement of condoms with female condoms, widespread testing centers and free anonymous in all urban areas as rural, bi-annual massive campaign of prevention, education, not sexuality but with sexuality and is decoupled from the purely reproductive.


That the work we do for 8 months and more of our mobilizations and actions of land. The projects are many youth left and expectations with respect to the camps of social progress have rarely been higher.

My generation, she is 18 years or 30 years in 2012, wants to change society profoundly. It is no simple anti-sarkozymse, moreover, quite understandably, she wants to act but to draw another world, another France, to remake Republic.

We are the generation that wants to change the left to gain more equality.

We are the change that generation who grew up in the daily hunt for immigrants, police raids in the suburbs and the denial of justice.

We are the generation change that which was found stunned the importance of corruption and secret funding, but will support all initiatives to restore the Republic by making it more transparent, that the battle will continue to MJS lead your side Regis.

We are the generation that wants to change that flourish, work, dream come true.

We are the generation change, one that intends to participate, take power, and invigorate democracy.

MJS Dear comrades in France in the Loire is ready.

Loans to oppose a government retrograde.

Ready to make our proposals and draw a different path.

Loans to convince our friends, our neighbors, especially our parents and grandparents today.

generation change has hope and desire, she is eager to be in 2012, because after ten years of obscurity, a new day born youth of France.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

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Review readers

By Nestorine here: 23/18803829.html

# Mediator Irene Frachon

I was afraid that this book is a little dry, austere, that reading is too difficult for me, filled with medical jargon or scientific ! I even planned what to take notes and the dictionary at your fingertips! And in fact I was very surprise that the document reads like a novel and I devoured in one go: I really wanted to know how it would all end! I do not know why I compare it to a novel because there is nothing romanticized in there, everything is true, the author herself said she wanted to testify "as the more factual possible "and that is indeed the way things are presented.

But I think it is humanity that shows through behind this simple and effective testimony as catching the reader: I have not rested the book before it was finished, I highlighted many passages, j 'I was frightened by others and I promised myself to learn more about the protagonists of this "business" and how some utilities operate.

I am not sufficiently qualified to judge the controversy that surrounds this book but as an average reader the impression I just watch the battle of the earthen pot against the iron pot, and I happily say that there are some people like Irene Frachon, ready to shake up everything, put their life on hold for their ideas and to resist the lure of the powerful pharmaceutical labs (very difficult thing when you see the little public subsidies granted to hospitals, looking ... to function properly). I naively thought the independence of certain public bodies and I realize that pharmaceutical labs are working everywhere, including in the field of pharmacovigilance (surveillance of adverse drug reactions) which I think is absurd!

Beside, the book makes one wonder about the diktat of thinness: we talk a lot, everywhere, all the time, it becomes trivial. we forget that thousands of French are ready to swallow any medication that will make them lose a few pounds "extra" (relative to who, what, to what standard?) whatever the consequences. I did not know that many appetite suppressants contain amphetamine derivatives, I found it totally amazing!

In short, a good book, which moves and makes you think, very well written, extremely accessible, which reaches its goal: to alert, educate, open debate. We stay glued to deal with such determination so little attention from the authorities: hat!

to learn a bit more: -the-revolt-of-dr-irene-Frachon-09-06-2010-949176.php

http:/ / appetite

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Mediator ... Case continues

The case of the Mediator is not over. Gérard Bapt, PS member and Special Rapporteur of the health mission for the Finance Committee, does not hesitate to borrow the title of the book censored Irene Frachon to begin his article published in Le Monde:

Mediator, How many deaths?

Here is the link where you can read the chronicle of Gerard Bapt denouncing the pharmaceutical lobby on the French Agency for Safety of Health Products:

Frachon Irene's book, in addition to denouncing the slow procedure for banning a medication, put his finger on an urgent societal problem.

Monday, July 5, 2010

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150 mg Mediator: "The book of the day" by Paul Benkimoun,

The World - 3 / 4 July 2010
By Paul Benkimoun

What Happens If You Drink Expired Protein

Mediator in Le Monde and Irene Frachon 150 mg in women's magazines

The dissemination of information continues.

Read the book Irene Frachon honored

in Male Current , Grazia and here:

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

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An explanatory diagram

Friday, June 18, 2010

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Support for

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Gravescervical Stenosis

Observatory of censorship protests

June 16, 2010: Pharmaceutical company Servier cons editions Dialogues and Dr. Frachon (Brest)

Mediator 150mg

On November 30, 2009, following a decision by the French Agency for the Safety of Products health ( AFSSAPS) , benfluorex containing three drugs, including the Mediator 150 mg were removed from pharmacies because of their "modest efficacy" on diabetes type 2, and "proven risks of heart valve damage. If two drugs were generics recently put on the market (early October 2009) by Mylan Laboratories QUALIMED and it was different for Mediator 150mg marketed by Servier Laboratories since 1976 . 200 to 300,000 people consumed each day. Majority were women, using it as an appetite suppressant to lose weight. 2000000 people would have consumed since its introduction in the market. Turnover of 150 mg Mediator for Servier was approximately $ 3.6 million per year. The medical journal Prescrire welcomed the withdrawal of this "amphetamine" , banned from the market "for years in Spain." His "adverse cardiovascular and neuropsychiatric are superimposable to those that led to the recall of two other anorectic amphetamine: fenfluramine (former weight) and dexfenfluramine (ex Isomeride)" . In
150 Picks mg, how many deaths? published June 2, 2010 by editor Charles Kermarec Brest, also director of the library Dialogues, Dr. Irene Frachon, pulmonologist at the University Hospital of Brest, a specialist in pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) is back in the form of a newspaper, on every stage of a three-year investigation that led to become one of the protagonists behind the withdrawal of the drug. His testimony of the Interior begins with a scene autopsy, that of Mrs. A., who had taken the diet drug ... For Rony Brauman, this testimony "exemplary" raises many questions marketing practices of pharmaceutical companies. What are their influence and involvement in public health decisions, writes in the afterword former president of Doctors Without Borders ? What is the independence of devices for assessing medication on time "which reduces the public funding of pharmacovigilance activities assigned in increasing proportions of drug companies' when " Most clinical trials of new drugs, published under the signature of academic physicians (...) are actually written by Negroes Industry pharmaceutical.
Is the independence of the author of the book, and their publishers postfacier Breton which did not please the powerful group Servier, when the Nanterre court authorized the appointment of an expert to examine the case of a patient suffering from a serious heart condition and had fallen Mediator three times daily for seven years? The fact is that the pharmaceutical group has responded by attacking the book justice. No on its content on its packaging, its title. On 7 June, the judge in Brest said that the word " How many deaths?" threw the "discredited" image Servier Laboratory , "impeding its activity" , infringed his rights and should be removed from the front cover with a penalty of 50 euros per copy distributed. For the judge, "a return market Mediator is always possible" . In this case, "denigration caused by the words would prove highly contentious source of discredit" .
To the editor who fired to 5,500 copies, the book is a "de facto ban" . He appealed and, pending trial, has been making stickers to place on each copy of the censored words. In addition, he has decided to reprint the book. It is available with a new cover ISBN amended stating Mediator 150mg, Subtitle censored, in digital and hard copy.

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Movement support around-editions

25 publishers urge support

Published June 16, 2010 by cn

a petition denouncing the verdict against the editor Mediator 150 mg.

25 heads of publishing houses have signed a petition supporting Charles Kermarec, the patron of the library Dialogues in Brest, and all Publishing in its appeal the decision of the High Court Brest.

June 7, the publisher Brest has indeed been ordered to remove the words "How many deaths?" Of the book cover of Irene Frachon, 150 mg Mediator, he published June 3

Severus Judgement responded to the request of the laboratory Servier, the drug distributor, who felt severely discredited by this reference.

The petition was signed by Françoise Nyssen (Actes Sud), Leonello Brandolini (Robert Laffont), Olivier Betourne (Le Seuil), Olivier Nora (Grasset, Fayard), Jean-Marc Roberts (Stock), Olivier Cohen (The Olivier), Olivier Rubinstein (Denoel), Jean Delas (L'Ecole des Loisirs), Thierry Magnier (Editions Thierry Magnier, Le Rouergue), Philippe Rey (Editions Philippe Rey), Marion Mazauric (Au Diable Vauvert), Olivier Frebourg (The Ecuador), Deon Alice (The Round Table), Isabelle Laffont (Lattes), Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens (POL), Bernard Barrault (Julliard), Philippe Picquier (Editions Philippe Picquier), Oliver Gallmeister (Gallmeister), Sophie Sivry (The Iconoclast), Anne-Marie Métailié (Métailié), François Gèze (Discovery), Isabelle Gallimard (Mercure de France) Gilles Haéri (Flammarion), Laurent Beccaria (Arenas, XXI), Henry Dougier (Otherwise).

Books Update - June 17, 2010

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New Mediator 150 mg - uncensored subtitle is available

The new edition of the book Mediator 150 mg - Subtitle censored is available in all the (good) bookstores and online, including Location:

The book has a new ISBN ( 978 2918135173 ) and a new cover that you know now.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

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The Mediator seen by Nono

Nono undertaker, not without humor, Case of Media tor .. .

Friday, June 11, 2010

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Livres Hebdo: 2 trials ...

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Le Parisien: a drug on the dock

Article from May 12, 2010.