Thursday, June 17, 2010

Orange Color In The Bathroom

Movement support around-editions

25 publishers urge support

Published June 16, 2010 by cn

a petition denouncing the verdict against the editor Mediator 150 mg.

25 heads of publishing houses have signed a petition supporting Charles Kermarec, the patron of the library Dialogues in Brest, and all Publishing in its appeal the decision of the High Court Brest.

June 7, the publisher Brest has indeed been ordered to remove the words "How many deaths?" Of the book cover of Irene Frachon, 150 mg Mediator, he published June 3

Severus Judgement responded to the request of the laboratory Servier, the drug distributor, who felt severely discredited by this reference.

The petition was signed by Françoise Nyssen (Actes Sud), Leonello Brandolini (Robert Laffont), Olivier Betourne (Le Seuil), Olivier Nora (Grasset, Fayard), Jean-Marc Roberts (Stock), Olivier Cohen (The Olivier), Olivier Rubinstein (Denoel), Jean Delas (L'Ecole des Loisirs), Thierry Magnier (Editions Thierry Magnier, Le Rouergue), Philippe Rey (Editions Philippe Rey), Marion Mazauric (Au Diable Vauvert), Olivier Frebourg (The Ecuador), Deon Alice (The Round Table), Isabelle Laffont (Lattes), Paul Otchakovsky-Laurens (POL), Bernard Barrault (Julliard), Philippe Picquier (Editions Philippe Picquier), Oliver Gallmeister (Gallmeister), Sophie Sivry (The Iconoclast), Anne-Marie Métailié (Métailié), François Gèze (Discovery), Isabelle Gallimard (Mercure de France) Gilles Haéri (Flammarion), Laurent Beccaria (Arenas, XXI), Henry Dougier (Otherwise).

Books Update - June 17, 2010


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