Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Seamen Smells Like Fish


I wish you all my sincerest wishes for the new year. The vows happiness, joy, hope finally realized, fighting and winning real progress in our ideas.

This year 2011 is crucial for the MJS. It only remains for us a short year to make a steamroller MJS intellectual, propositional and activist campaigns for presidential and parliamentary elections in 2012.

cantonal Beyond these are three very time that will mark the year:

  • MJS Youth Convention which will provide an opportunity for us to publicize and popularize our youth program. Until early April we will move forward on the merits, develop, propose, consult and mobilize young people to be left up to the aspirations of young people of France
  • primaries in which we must mobilize immediately and complete. The primary is as much a new right, the right to choose the candidate who will represent the left in the 2nd round of the presidential election, a great tool to flood the public space of proposals from the left, to challenge the candidates on our proposals, especially this should be an opportunity to expand and embrace all those who left the newspaper, who finally give our party the power to decide.
  • Congress of MJS is all the more important it will be held on the eve of the presidential election, unique opportunity to speak to the youth of France and the call to stand and bear left at power. A conference to imagine the role will have to weigh the JS on a leftist government ...

2010 will certainly been a year of renewal in JS, with an organization that has gained momentum, visibility, which has transformed forms of militancy and reconnect fully with its role of popular education movement.

2011 will be the year of mass, the year that every kid who believes and hopes that decides to join us and find an immediate place in our entire organization. Being open, continuously promote our development, giving responsibilities, we expand in neighborhoods and rural advocate, train, recruit. MJS make the tool-making powers for youth throughout the national territory of Besançon in Pointe-à-Pitre, from Paris to Montpellier, from Bethune to Chambery.

For this, the JS should be more visible, more dynamic and especially welcome a greater number of members. Each

new member of the MJS is a voice of our dreams and hopes with his friends, family, colleagues and comrades, we must therefore cease to expand our ranks.

Each new team is a new space where the voices of young socialists who will reach and will enable young activists to take responsibility and engage more strongly.

So we mobilize, convince us, we will win and have the privilege of being the generation that will give victory to the left and restore power to the people of France.

2012 starts well in 2011,
Greetings at all.


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