Monday, August 25, 2008

Can Hiv Give You Hives

Georgia, BHL, and some considerations antitotalitarian

should read the blog Melanchon JL.
It's refreshing, entertaining and requires thinking. All is not exact but are little things ... It at least has the merit to step aside to analyze things which proves not only that our newspapers are all real ideological (anti-totalitarian ideology which Adler and BHL are the respective bishops) has correctly analyzed Francois Cusset ( The decade: the nightmare of the 1980s ). Secondly, whether the conflict in Georgia has really been anyhow analyzed by the national press ... that I was more able to see that I work on the security council in recent weeks. All IR specialists have clearly stated that the U.S. had handled the situation very poorly and put some oil on the fire for weeks and months. ... This does not mean that the Russian response has not been kind (at the same time there was no death toll which is pretty amazing).

What is particularly disconcerting if you remember at the beginning of the conflict informed the press that Russia intervened to Following the assault by Georgia on its own territory ... BHL allowed the Georgian President to overturn this thesis, without BHL disprove or confirm what the president (but the general context of the article is that one leans toward the President's remarks).
's all as well as information important enough and yet the world in the articles following the publication of the article makes no reference BHL or responses.

Before criticizing without reading About the Mélenchon .... we must recognize that warned about the extremely dubious Solinejstine well before World does not publish any article on this subject (until very good article by Nicolas Weill ... thank you AB). He criticized the Daila Lama on facts and no one came to contradict those facts. It with other, denounced those who used to twist the term anti-Semitism by an insult that is not only shameful when it is wrong but in addition to the devastating effect of losing its strength in the words ... point that it may lead to the disastrous effect that when this word is used the first reaction is outrage, but more questioning. Finally he denounces the double discourse that prioritizes the types of racism that does not give equal weight to human rights. ... Important for the Georgian people, secondary origins for the peoples of Russia in Georgia.

In this connection I open a parenthesis. Mélenchon is mostly one of those, and I'm happy to be denouncing the anti-totalitarian rhetoric that can be summarized as follows: acknowledge the person who contradicts totalitarian racist anti-Semitic or even better (they willingly turn away the essential meaning of this word to be the ultimate insult prioritizing moreover racism) so you do not have to discuss with them and answer the arguments of the opponent. ... more the opponent is right in his words the greater the need to disqualify . It is much easier than debating ... anyone finding similarities with the techniques of Communist activists 60-70 years and use of the term bourgeois patrons and capitalizes be punished for daring to think these anti-totalitarian and communist on same plane ... all the people who most often points to the fact that they are the same and they just changed ideology while keeping the same methods will be doubly punished. The most extraordinary have been the 2005 debate on the EU constitution, says that you vote YES is approved in Europe (and not a constitution) which guarantee peace after the death camps made ... syllogism yourself. We must also see the link, it once again with the extermination of the Jews ... if that is not making the historical ideology. I close the parenthesis.

Finally I must mention Article 89 of the Street article BHL ( things-seen-in-georgia ) in Le Monde. I am an activist media education and image .... The first lesson that should be given when BHL is talking about is to consider all fake check at As this is true. That is to say apply the same system of the doubt that most applies to CSP + + Mélenchon and fail to BHL and other bishops. When I read his article it took me the second sentence of second paragraph to be in bad mood:
"Are we in the presence of one of those wars where the trick is supreme, as in the forgotten wars of Africa, to appear little as possible? "
phrase that comes as a hair on the soup and to whom to annoy me on many levels. First mention of Africa in general terms we must dare is true between the region of Cote d'Ivoire, Egypt, North Africa, the Great Lakes Region, Ethiopia South Africa ... .. it makes sense to talk about Africa as a whole and an entity that shares the same techniques of war ....
After the end of war "forgotten" is also annoying because not only the history of the African continent, each of these regions grown enormously over the past 30 years and especially that the excavations allow us to understand so much about the story with little or no written records of Africa. Between those who evoke the African has not entered into history and those that evoke the history forgotten. ... In both cases is wrong in both cases it is condescending. It should also reflect on why BHL has talked about Africa and not the Indians of North America. Figure tricks Indian is not only better known but extremely well documented as the perfect example The French-Indian War (just before the revolution American). I'm going to my little intuitive hypothesis: evoking Africa's forgotten and these wars once again make reference to Africa as the forgotten continent, as a land of mystery ... After Hemingway and Malraux our friend BHL would be inspired Conrad. Some will say
should not dwell on this sentence ... maybe. In all cases that put me in a provision critical to this text and it told me a detail characteristic of BHL ... form prevails over substance and I would even say that the bottom must adapt to the shape. The BHL story is so initialing the Georgian president even being linked with Commander Massoud (who also rebelled against the Russians if you did not understand the analogy) and Russian portrayed in such a way you understand the space of an article that Georgia is the site of a struggle between good and evil story ... so perfect that any educated person, hopefully one should doubt .... This is not the case I received very nicely article by someone very close who herself had received from a friend who extolled ...
Article Rue89 aura was a detailed confirmation of my suspicion. Everyone in the intellectual world should respond precisely this kind of weakness ... but not in France. This is also the difference between an ideology that refuses any challenge and intellectual rigor.

In conclusion, if some want to challenge my comments by saying that I too am of ideology I would immediately say that I agree and I do not hide it ... the difference is there.


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