Monday, September 1, 2008

Leathal Dose Of Temazepam

It's back ...

... but RI was not on vacation

September 1, the end of the summer and school year so the real return. We've just been living the most hectic years ... which was not even fully charged with the holidays which as usual lull the media and intellectual France. It is always surprising that sleep when half the population does not go on vacation.
Russia Georgia, Afghanistan, Musharraf's resignation, Democratic and Republican Convention with choice of VP, Relationship France Rwanda, coup in Mauritania, a global conference on AIDS, desperate situation in Zimbabwe changes difficult in the Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli -Lebanese project launch of the Euro-mediterranean, Tibet and the Olympics and pitiful affair ... Sine.
You must obviously take into account the persistence of inflation in Western countries and the rising power of global famine that is the backdrop of all these episodes.
Some perspectives on the back.

The Russia-Georgia conflict

My first impression is that the Western world and the people of Georgia are paying extremely expensive Kosovo, the concept of "right of interference" and the tall tales of the input Georgia into NATO. The statements by Chancellor Merkel on the unacceptability of the recognition by Russia of the independence of two Georgian provinces reflect almost exactly the reaction of Russians following recognition of Kosovo's independence. They had warned that the reaction would be significant, the West has been challenged, the West has been punished. The debates of recent weeks have turned around the question of who attacked first, the situation remains unclear, but unnamed sources claim that the OSCE and Georgia are far from being white ... This is the problem of concepts such as the right of interference, which may be understandable, but we do not like others that we use. Kosovo and Iraq have set precedents foreign intervention without UN authorization. Russia has just done the same using moreover the supreme argument that genocide. Further evidence that the word now has a double meaning, that of a historical reality and a central term of political propaganda at the national level as in the concert of Nations. Finally, note the indirect responsibility of the USA. to believe that Georgia can flow into NATO and that all the alliance will come to his rescue. It is sadly realistic, it will tell me ... I'll just say that one must have courage to say that the NATO countries, France first place, would be ready to return to open conflict with the Rusiya for GEORGIA. The worst in International Relations that are not realistic or idealistic, it is those who are idealistic and are supposed to believe in a country that will support them while they defend them with words. The handset has a proclaimed idealism relaisme sournoi this is the foreign policy of GW.
The Russian action is obviously disproportionate except that my position is much easier than others ... I am opposed to almost all wars. My outrage is the same face of Russian intervention in Georgia or the intervention of Israel in Lebanon. The concern internationally and among the peoples of the world is the fact that some interventions for the West are more reprehensible than others. Sad to see that in recent years the power of the force has taken over so much.
Finally, before we know whether or not condemn the Russian Federation should calmly analyze the situation. We must understand that Russia and China have regained its strength and influence. Whether we like it or not we like to consider this reality. It is easy to say be a pro multilateralism when the West is the unique power. ... much more difficult when others are powerful.


I would not do major development on the subject until the situation becomes difficult. Since the end of the democratic process has failed to see the Islamists take power in Algeria has suffered a terrible civil war that only the exhaustion seemed off. Different forces have taken power and above all it is impossible to ignore the importance of radical Islam can not be hidden or deleted. The also must admit the weakness of the influence of France and Europe ... especially since you can not get angry with that neighbor as its Algerian gas supply is important when relations are strained with Russia.


I say and I say Barack Obama should win this election. The economic situation is not good factor more than favorable to Democrats. His speech embraces the American ideal and can be compared, although different, idealism Reagan ...
Few incumbent party candidate has won election after having taken such a scraped mid-terms in a more gloomy economic climate and when the candidate is not the incumbent President or his VP choice a woman for McCain surely will bring a large number of votes of evangelicals that he was not acquired but this does not bring him votes of moderates. One problem could derail Obama ... fear. It must be admitted that the crisis in Georgia with its whiff of cold war as Hurricane Gustav could promote the call to a Father of the Nation .... The election is still far away, especially the United States ... Obama must have dreams or the international situation and the elements left alone that the speech is on the USA, the American dream and the economy.
Ultimately I remain convinced of Obama's victory. Polls overall do not support him but he has more people with gold and has already earned him more than McCain and especially people say look uncertain for Obama. Disapproval of Bush remains extremely strong. Especially McCain seems no break in Hispanics. Sarkozy has won because France is aging. ... America instead be rejuvenated and Hispanic and black people are becoming more important ... They have been used to store the document in the abstainer seems to mobilize like never before. It should expect a very long wait to vote girl as the number of enrolled is increasing.
little personal note, I'd say and repeat to my friends, the term "genocide" has become indispensable in American discourse. ... Hillary and Barack have each used their speeches at the Democratic convention ... I watch what says the Republican side .. Small
final prediction, New Mexico, Virginia and Ohio will be Democrats.

Ps: I would at some point post on the proper relations between France and Rwanda, surely in English but I still thinking.


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