Thursday, July 30, 2009

Watching Neighbor Through Window

Anthony Woods: New Obama / perfect storytelling

Little story begins to take the American political microcosm .... and me. The congreswoman (that's how they say) the 10th District of California, which is in French: the Congressman of the House of Representatives of the Tenth District has resigned because of his entry in the Obama administration.

The procedures for elections are particularly difficult to understand in the State of California. The Governor (Terminator) decided that the election will be held November 3, following an open primary on September 1. In an open primary all candidates are present (Republican, Democrat, Independent). The best Democratic and Republican best are selected for the election of November 3 as well as independents who want to maintain (which means that theoretically all candidates can be maintained).

So far nothing too exciting ... Except that many Democratic candidates (over 7), one of them begin to feel: Anthony Woods. This young black American, born in 1980, has a story that has nothing to envy in President Barack Obama. His personal story is presented as the best application of the rules of storytelling ... and it works.

Woods was raised by his mother who had no health insurance. After successfully completing a polished high school education, both in sport than academic, he joined the prestigious military academy West Point. He specializes in economics, political science and computer science while pursuing his sport and his military training. Despite his opposition to the war in Iraq, he volunteered twice to be deployed to Iraq with the rank of lieutenant. On his return, the army offered him a professor at West Point which was particularly surprising because of his young age. Therefore, the army it is funding a new university at the prestigious Kennedy School of Public Administration from Harvard. He succeeded with honors.

Newly graduated, Woods returned to Fort Knox to pursue a distinguished military career. Voluntarily, he informed his superior of his homosexuality and violating the rule introduced by Bill Clinton "Do not Ask, Do not Tell" (do not ask, do not tell). He was dismissed from the army with honors but must repay $ 35 000 that the military has disbursed to finance his studies at Harvard.

Woods no longer wished to hide an essential part of its identity within the army. By his act, he wanted to show Obama that attitudes, even within the army were ready to abandon this policy.

Woods is the "underdog", the "outsider" in this election in the 10th District of California. However, his profile that he earns the attention of national and local media. It is also the candidate who collects the most money from individual donors, in particular because of support from homosexual groups and veterans. If it still has less money than the three major Democratic candidates it tends to reduce the gap.

His story is touching and perfectly illustrates how today the history of the individual-applicant must serve to illustrate its program

    • Woods is black, homosexual: he embraces the struggles of minorities.

    • It was raised by a single parent, mother, and therefore knows the difficulties involved in this kind of situation

    • He was raised without the benefit of health insurance

    • It was the army (patriotism), then it was the war, although he disagreed with it.

    • He had to work hard to succeed, but he could not succeed if the army had not financed his studies.

Health insurance, aid to single mothers, patriotism and the need to defend America, sensitivity to the situation of minorities, giving opportunities to every child who wishes to make all efforts to succeed (ensuring access to university). All these students a central Democratic platform are at the heart of the life of Anthony Woods.

Woods as a case study of storrytelling where it is present is present for which he fights. This story is not only captivating, but it is told as evidenced by his website ( ) and instruction sheet (written par son équipe de campagne) sur Wikipedia ( ).


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