Sunday, January 3, 2010

Tkalamakin Desert And Gobi Desert Map

I wish us a good opposition

The decision of the French Constitutional Council censuring the initial finance law goes beyond mere political tumult. The decision was particularly long awaited for, after all, the opposition has done his duty as an opponent by grabbing the board on a BIA. A jumper on budgetary transfers of historical monuments has also been invalidated showing that the judge continues to operate a strict control of them.

What caught the attention, rightly, is censorship of the carbon tax. There are several reasons to rejoice over such a decision. Firstly, the Council recalled that the Constitutional Charter of the environment to full constitutional and that a text may therefore be declared unconstitutional on this basis alone. Then, the board has made a fine control of the device, considering the device's ability to achieve the stated objective.
It appears that a tax inefficient in the goal attributed to him, and unfair because of the inequity before it is unconstitutional. Especially the Constitutional Council has clearly stated the tracks to make it constitutional, scratching device for passing the law at issue free from the European Commission. In any case, the Constitutional Council ruled unconstitutional a "carbon tax" in itself, but how it is applied. This

should remember this decision is primarily a simple principle that it is legal and not political. Once a device in accordance with the broad outline ideas put forward by the Constitutional Council that will be validated. It will therefore be particularly careful when developing a new device and argue that tax policy should be left and ecological

Second, our tax system should be based on republican principles including equality before public office. On the occasion of the creation of any new tax, tax that violates this principle, the Council may be seized.

Finally, and an important lesson for 2010 ... a good opposition is also measured by the ability to write good action before the Constitutional Council, being at the forefront of developments in law, to succeed to fully enforce the supreme law of the Republic. Hadopi and the carbon tax shows that the opposition gets to be heard, effective and relevant when it is intelligent, insightful and defend the Constitution of the Republic.

's time for the vows ...
I hope we be a year 2010 when the opposition stops multiplying amendments fanciful;
a opposition which multiplies commissions surveys and reports;
write an opposition appeal to the finely Cons Const;
opposition happens to be pitching the UMP in the Senate, where each
an opposition MP uses his two minutes to explain his vote (the "filibuster" yarn);
an opposition that makes good use parliamentary recesses and the ability to influence the agenda of parliament, an opposition that
read the reports of the Audit Office and its application help write reports ....
simply a radical opposition but perceptive and intelligent, which demonstrate that we are ready to regain power. Good
year between


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