Sunday, September 16, 2007

How To Remove Smell Of Urine From Boxers

The Undead Warlock

Death -Alive (Undead): Description

The Scourge The horrifying Undead army is composed of thousands of walking corpses, disembodied spirits, damned souls and separate from other plans. The Scourge was created by the Burning Legion for the sole purpose of sowing terror in anticipation of his inevitable invasion. The Undead are led by Ner'zhul, the Lich King, who reigns over the icy realm of Northrend from his throne of ice. Ner'zhul pushes his army of Undead ever southward into the wetlands. Throughout its growth, strengthens the Scourge of Human fallen under the mind control of Ner'zhul. By this means that Ner'zhul still managed to swell the ranks of the already considerable Scourge. Though Ner'zhul and his army are subject to the Burning Legion, the Lich King is continually trying to break free of its yoke and avenge the demons that forced him to die so completely.

After the tyranny of the Lich King, a group of undead rogue trying to regain his freedom while destroying anyone who would oppose him. Known as the Forsaken (Forsaken), this group is entirely devoted to his leader, the banshee queen Sylvanas Windrunner. These dark warriors have established a secret stronghold beneath the ruins of the ancient capital of Lordaeron. Situated deep beneath the cursed Tirisfal Glades, the labyrinth beneath the city is a veritable den of evil. In their lair, the loyal apothecaries Sylvanas develop a devastating new plague, which remove not only the Scourge rivals, but also the rest of humanity. To achieve their aims, the Forsaken are allied with the brutal and primitive races of the Horde. Not being specifically proof of loyalty to their new companions, the Forsaken have duped when fighting against their common ally - the Lich King. Only time will tell how these disciples of the shadow will act in their mission of vengeance.

The Undead are actually former farmer corrupt humans. As a result, they have the ability to understand by example both races of the Alliance than the Horde. Even if it has powerful warriors, the undead excellent in black magic. It will therefore strongly distrust everyone you meet.

Classes available are: The Undead are beginning their lives Tirisfal Glades, under the ruins of the ancient capital of Lordaeron. Their major city is Undercity. Formerly Alliance territory, Lordaeron now houses all the creatures darker one than the other, and that's exactly what these ladies suits Undead. Like the Night Elves for the Alliance, the Forsaken are isolated from other races of the Horde, and what arrangements might be everyone eventually. Contact Kalimdor, the Undead should use a Zeppelin. For all other routes, it's a vampire bat will be used. The area around Tirisfal Glaeser are far from friendly and the atmosphere prevailing in the area of the Living Dead Lres is heavy. So do not expect to find the warm atmosphere of the taverns of Stormwind. Here, everything is destroyed.

racial traits

Each race has its own peculiarities. Here are those of the Undead:
  • Will of the Forsaken (Will of the Forsaken) : Lets be immune to the effects of fear (fear), sleep (sleep) and charm for 5 seconds. The spell is instant cast and the cooldown is 2 minutes.
  • Cannibalism (Cannibalize) : Allows the character to devour a dead humanoid or undead near and to regenerate 7% of health every 2 seconds for 10 seconds. Any action (movement, damage) can break the effect of competence. The spell is instant cast and the cooldown is 2 minutes.
  • Aquatic Respiration (Breathing Underwater) : passive skill that improves the ability to breath under water 300%.
  • Duty to Darkness (Shadow Resistance) : passive skill that improves the strength of 10 points in the magic of shadows.

reputation towards other races

Here the reputation of the Living Dead to the other playable races when you create a character. Note that this is the baseline. Even level "Friend", there may be nuances. If you create an undead and you watch your reputation level, you will see that the level of "Friend" is higher against undead only to other races of the Horde, for example.

also exist reputation levels to non-playable races that evolve according to your actions (performing certain quests for example). To learn more about the reputation, visit this page site.

Races Reputation
Dwarfs Hate
Gnomes Hate
Human Hate
Night Elves Hate
Draenei Hate
Orcs Neutral
Tauren Neutral
Trolls Neutral
Undead Friend
Blood Elf Friend

Some screenshots


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