Friday, September 21, 2007

Mycoplasmas Acid Fast Bacteria

Lament of the Highborne

The exact origins of "Lament of the Highborne" have been forgotten since antiquity. Certainly the melody above the War of the Ancients, where she served as a funeral anthem for the fallen: a tribute to their great bravery against a damning fate. Thousands of years later, the high elves of Quel'Thalas sang the lament, almost unchanged during the Troll Wars. Again, the elves came out victorious, but victory will not last. A plague called undead mowed the nation Human Lordaeron during the Third War and turned many citizens into undead in turn, servants of the Lich King devoid of volition. This army - the Scourge - invaded elven lands and decimated their population, some residents were turned into undead and forced to join the Scourge.

As head of the last elven defenders of Quel'Thalas, Sylvanas Windrunner suffered a terrible fate: her spirit was ripped from his body and transformed into a banshee. However, when the power of the Lich King is weakening, she and other undead were freed from the grip of Fléau. Elle a retrouvé depuis his corps et est devenue la reine de ces Rebelles death-vivants, the Réprouvés. Well they are the heart of amertume flr soit, elle ne peut le peuple qu'elle forgetting Aima autrefois ...
Version Originale (Thalassia)
Anar'alah, anar'alah Belo,
Shindu fallah na.
Shindu sin'dorei,
Shindu fallah na.
Anar'alah Belo.
Shindu sin'dorei,
Shindu fallah na.
Anar'alah Belo, Belo

approximate translation (French):

By the light, sunlight, Children
Our enemies are breaking through. Children
By the light, Failing children
They are breaking through. O children

blood By the light of the sun. Failing children
They are breaking through.
O children of blood,
By sunlight,


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