Sunday, September 16, 2007

What Does The Queens Cargo Vancost?

The Warlock (Warlock): Description

Warlocks are mages who too delved into the depths of demonic powers. Consumed by their desire for black magic, they are now buried deep in the chaotic world of magic. The Burning Legion now gives them power, allowing them to channel their destructive energy and thus lead to powerful emissaries to fight alongside them.

The Warlock is a class that requires a lot of involvement from the player. Warlocks have pets ("pets"), lots of combos and spells are required to have the raw material for their spells. This means they must learn a bit more than other classes. The Warlock has a lot of fun and cool abilities, like Eye of Kilrogg (Eye of Kilrogg), Fear (Fear), the pets and a lot of other things.


  • Can use pets for fun or to attract enemies.
  • It can provide stones that can be resurrected.
  • can concoct potions that have the form of a Healthstone.
  • may invoke other players via a ritual invocation.
  • He can breathe underwater thanks to a spell.
  • may invoke a frame reserved for the Warlock.
  • It can use the Eye of Killrogg to scout.
  • It can take control of a demon for a short period of time.
  • It is treatable through a drain life.
  • He is doing very well solo, using his pet to simulate a group of two people with complementary skills.


  • He can only wear cloth armor.
  • It is very fragile and can easily be killed in certain situations.
  • Its Fragments of Soul (Soul Shards) taking up space in inventory.


  • Master Collection Fragments of Soul (Soul Shards) and their use. While managing
  • hate monsters toward him and his pet.
  • Although the familiar and manage their own skills to be as efficient as possible.

Basic Info
  • Races: Blood Elves, Humans, Orcs, Undead and Gnomes.
  • Standard Bars: Heal / mana.
  • authorized Equipment: Cloth.
  • Allowable Weapons: Daggers, clubs (with training), sticks and swords (with training).

Fragments of Soul (Soul Shards)

Warlock needs Fragments of Soul (Soul Shards) for certain spells and pets. You receive a Soul Shard by using Soul Siphon (Drain Soul) on a monster while he dies. You must be aware that you can not get Soul Shards from monsters that do not experience. You can not go into a region of newbies and kill monsters easier to get soul shards. They take up space in your bags, which means you have a limited amount. But you still have to be to invoke your pets. Using Soul Siphon (Drain Soul), you can not move, attack or begin another spell. Otherwise, you will interrupt the spell. If you do not stand still, Drain Soul will not work. Learn to judge the speed at which the monster dies. Do not start too soon your fate. Try running the drain at the right time not to wait too long the monster's death, but early enough to have his soul.

Fragments of Soul does not stack for reasons of balance of gameplay and that you did not too.

If you find yourself without Soul Shard, you will get free use of most pets, which can sometimes be a challenge. The imp can be called without using a Soul Shard, so you can use to advance your Soul Shard to summon a creature and more powerful.

Database Skills Warlock and his Demons

To access all the powers of the Warlock from level 1 to 70, go to this section of the site. Regarding the fates of the Warlock pets, visit this page .

Skills Affliction (Affliction)

The Warlock has several types of curses and it is for the player to decide what is best for a particular enemy (life stealing, theft of mana, elongation time of casting, DoT, etc..). The curse can only be thrown at the enemy and you can only have one active at a time. The last curse you cast will replace the previous curse on the monster.

Demonology Skills (Demonology)

Demonology skills are very diverse. It includes buffs armor, a spell to prevent an enemy to fight, the famous Stone Soul (Soulstone) to resurrect the characters, a spell to summon a player to self, Healing Stones (Hearthstone) that act as healing potions, spell invisibility detection, a spell that allows you to see the mini-map all nearby demons or a skill that allows you to control a demon. As you can see, this is a very rich class who will ask for a minimum of habit for you there;)

skills Destruction (Destruction)

This category includes all the offensive spells the Warlock . There are direct attacks, the DoT spells area of effect, but also a drain life and another mana. All these spells are very safe to use while the enemy is going after your pet or another group member.

Playing a Warlock

You will learn to be clever and balance the hate mobs to you and your creature. You will learn to handle things when the monster will turn against you so that your pet can keep it away from you. It will sometimes stop casting spells and using skills Taunt (which can force a monster to attack one who Taunt) of your pet. Analyze the best spells that make monsters angry. On the hardware side, select the one that improves intelligence, wit, and stamina. Remember, with Log (Life Tap), additional health also means extra mana. Now that you know the basics of the Warlock, you must learn to play with him. At first you will probably want to run your DoT and ask your pets to attack the enemy. Thereafter, you start another spell and probably Drain Life (Life Drain) to increase your HP. Then, if you want a Soul Shard, you will need to run Soul Siphon (Drain Soul) before the monster dies.

  • Launch DOT on the monster and scare him. As he fled, hit it with direct spells.
  • Use Fear (Fear) if too many monsters. Be careful though as some can come back together ...
  • Coaches can give you skills in all areas. Find in one and see what you can buy. Then use your new creation. You need to invoke your pet, otherwise you will not see the ability to buy.
  • Use skills of your creatures in battle. Note in passing that most are still in autocast.

Occupations Take what you want, but you may find the following combinations adapted to the Warlock:
  • Tailor (Tailoring) : Allows you to make clothes for cloth or other Warlock players.
  • Fisher (Fishing) - Cook (Cooking) - First Aid (First Aid) : Allows the Warlock to heal.
  • Herbalist (Herbalism) and Alchemist (Alchemy) : Allows you to concoct potions.
  • Herbalist (Herbalism) and Enchanting (Enchanting) : Allows you to enchant your equipment or those of other players.


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