Friday, September 26, 2008

Cheap Italian Dinnerware

A Socialist New Deal: A Green New Deal Between


Socialists should propose a draft sustainable development company. That is to say a project where human survival and well-being and ability to develop better living together are central. Too often the Socialists intend to sustainable development as a chapter of their program caring for the environment while forgetting that sustainable development depends first and foremost on the triptych "environment, economy, social issues" that should be the matrix suggest the Socialists.

Indeed, we must stop thinking about economic growth and sustainable development as antagonistic terms. If today our growth is unsustainable, the Socialists must offer both a policy and a method to radically transform our society and at three levels: in its relation to the environment, in its modes of economic production in the establishment of rights and democracy at the center of society.

Socialists should finally understand that the fight is a fight ecological socialist. The exploitation of nature and man by the capitalist system go together. Those who are suffering today and who will suffer tomorrow at the national level as global damage to the environment are those that are already in the most difficult situations in our society. Energy is the perfect example: while some get rich when the Earth is warming and that the poorest people worldwide suffer the consequences climate (cyclones, hurricanes) and the poorest in the West are those for which the increase in energy prices has the most hard on their budgets.

Faced with these issues, the Socialists must overcome any short-term approach and understand that failure to provide the means to change our lifestyles and production is in fine-cons productive for the weakest among us and disastrous for our planet. Socialists should defend the idea that responses to the exploitation of man are responses to land use and vice versa. These are structural reforms of radical transformation of the capitalist system that we propose. Socialists should delete false and correct answers as the TIPP floating and put the necessary funds in place by taxing where is the money, while setting an energy policy that cares about the man and the earth.

The imperative of sustainable development is eminently a struggle because it requires socialist economic planning, social and democratic choice. The imperative of sustainable development is already recognize the total failure of market self-regulation is to affirm the vital necessity of democracy for collectively define the social and environmental requirements that men want to give is put as economic activity in the market range of tools, means to serve the purposes democratically determined. Simply sustainable development is to make democracy and human center of society.

We intend here to draw but not limited to what could be an economic recovery plan for sustainable development. Socialists must answer two key questions: that of sharing wealth and the respect for the man and his environment. We not discuss here the imperative need to put equality at the heart of our political project, while tirelessly reiterating that the more men are equals in a society of their rights, their freedoms, their health and their ability to take place are large and assured. We will not address either the issue, yet essential, distribution of wealth. We would first like to present an economic stimulus package, creator of new wealth.

At the heart of our proposal is included the belief that sustainable growth, because it puts an end to exploitation of the earth, and cares must necessarily disadvantaged. Both the issue of sharing wealth than the respect for man and environment form a combinatorial dialectic in which the answer to one of two problems can meet each other. An economic stimulus package will increase economic activity, resulting in the creation of many jobs and promotes the development of infrastructure for the development of other economic activities. Sustainable economic development requires many local jobs that are inherently non-relocatable and also improve the quality of life and public services. A sustainable economic recovery plan ensures that the wealth produced can respect the earth, transforming the current economic system to ensure human survival and improve the living standards of all collectively and neediest first.

To achieve this end, the Socialists are proposing a Green New Deal that can be achieved with a speech that is both realistic and proactive about the inevitable and indispensable need for a tax revolution both locally and national enabling public power to find the fiscal space necessary for the common good.

Another agricultural policy.

Agriculture is not an activity like any other, it enables man to eat and therefore live. Participation state or supra-state is essential and can not be questioned. The CAP must be radically changed to ensure food self-sufficiency in the European Union in respect of soil, water, biodiversity and people. Grants should promote quality agriculture and friendly environment. Respect of water is groundwater is a prerequisite for obtaining all grants.

Socialists propose to amend the procurement code in order to promote short circuits in agriculture in preference to local products and Bio in the canteens. By promoting the organic community in restaurants, public expenditure can guarantee lasting order books of organic farmers and thus contribute to the stabilization and development of this alternative agriculture and quality for humans.

products harmful to the environment and farmers must be strictly prohibited and GMOs in open fields waiting for a scientific study on the long term about the effects on humans and the environment.

Water is a public good.

Water is a property essential to the survival of man: it must be saved, inexpensive and quality. Socialists promote municipalization of targeted subsidies governed by and reserved for this purpose. The Socialists will pass a law controlling the price of water by allowing only limited variations to plus or minus 5 percent against a nationally set price pivot.

The State shall undertake a comprehensive expenditure plan to enable compliance with European directives on recycling water. The State should provide financial support especially small municipalities for a rapid scale circuits mains drainage and purification devices, focusing as much as possible the least chemical devices.

The state should also strengthen the necessary grants for the rehabilitation of old water networks in order to drastically reduce these leaks, which will lower the price water or at least stabilize it over time. The State shall plan and sign contracts with local authorities, these expenses will amount to several billion euros over 10 years.

Transportation of goods, transport of people: the revolution needed

Road transport of goods and people is the most important cause of emissions of greenhouse gases. Take this requires drastic measures that are previously developed alternative arrangements to travel in a logic of sustainable development.

The Road Transportation property shall be limited or prohibited in the main highways. To do this it is essential to promote freight as well as developing infrastructure that making it mandatory for certain routes. Mechanisms playing on prices so that the cost of freight is lower than road transport are to be designed. A plan for construction and redevelopment of the channels is essential and the interconnections between railway and river port will be favored. France must also work actively at European level to generalize a spatially structured system of sustainable transport, transport networks linking rail and waterways throughout the European continent.

The number of cars has increased steadily for thirty years and the vast majority of trips are made with less than two passengers over distances of less than three kilometers. The State must plan a development plan for transport of several billion euros to ten years and engage in contract with local authorities. Grants to communities to promote common urban public transport and transport demand in rural areas will be greatly increased. The plans must allow U.S. Regions in all regions, regardless of their financial potential, develop networks and quality of services for regional trains. The state and communities will promote alternative modes of transport, giving priority to pedestrians and cyclists in cities.

Socialists should ensure universal access to public transport (bus, streetcar, subway, train) in promoting free by recourse to the solidarity tax. Free travel, or at least of low fares, preferring to encourage sustainable modes of transport including the externality is positive for the environment. If the only way to guarantee low prices requires enterprises controlled by the public (state, local), then such a measure will be adopted both in the service of as many as for the preservation of the environment and sustainable So humans.

A policy of free public transport and / or minimum rate will restore the purchasing power of families by drastically reducing the share of transportation in their budgets.

The decrease in energy expenditure: a battle for power purchase

If energy costs buildings represent a very important part of greenhouse gas emissions of greenhouses, they are also extremely important cost for households and for public authorities. The state, in full partnership with local authorities, plan a spending plan more than ten billion years to reduce drastically the cost of buildings. If construction of new buildings to no impact on the environment must be pursued as far as techniques and materials now readily available permit, it is especially important rehabilitate old buildings and homes.

Such a plan must first enable the eradication of substandard housing ten years. Must involve prioritizing the rehabilitation of housing for the household energy bills the most precarious decreases. The State must use the cash deposits and consignments to enable the widespread interest loans (already implemented by some local authorities) for expenditure on rehabilitation of existing housing, the credit is granted and repaid in the long term due to decreases in the price of the invoice energy, making these works available, including the poorest households.

Finally, the State should provide financial assistance to local authorities so that they are even their own copies and rehabilitate public buildings, thereby benefiting the long-term return on investment.

This spending plan will promote entrepreneurship in the building, will encourage research in insulation materials and new sources of energy production. The aim must be that the majority of the buildings is self-sufficient in energy to ten years. This spending plan will create significant employment and sustainable non-relocatable.

Thus the socialists of the economic recovery policy of sustainable development policy in favor of purchasing power and redistribution. It allows collective tax expenditures as needed investment in transport that energy expenditure for the share of these expenditures, particularly for the poorest households where it is most important, and greatly reduces their and restores the real purchasing power. It is economically a virtuous circle.

Waste management: nothing is lost, everything is changing.

The State shall promote recycling but also reducing the mass of waste. The Socialists will commit to specific targets and goals the state sign contracts with local authorities. The objective is to reduce waste, increase reuse and recycling allow. The State shall promote, including through a system of premium subsidies, any proposed local government which contributes to reducing and recycling waste. Without making an exhaustive list that would be pointless, the state will take many regulatory measures, and as examples:

- banning plastic packaging,
- the establishment of systems of instructions (as in Belgium and Germany where
bottles plastics are now almost nonexistent),
- the introduction of a tax on non-recyclable products,
- developing systems for certain property rentals [1] (cars, washing machines, ...).

The imagination of public policy maker must be significant in this area and be particularly responsive. Consistently Socialists must ask themselves questions of "how to allow reduction, reuse and recycling of waste in order to minimize the landfilling and incineration? . Even more stringent measures will be taken in regard to industrial waste and toxic chemicals. Socialists should make every effort to ensure that the EU cares in this area in a sustainable protection of citizens and the world, far beyond the simple approach too liberal and insufficient in itself Market.

Policy Research for Sustainable Development.

To achieve this broad plan of spending and investment research should be widely promoted to find new solutions. Research is promoted when the public order is important, thus contributing to technological innovation-generating activities and therefore jobs when the devices are jointly developed appropriate training. Meanwhile the state should also strengthen and consolidate the financial imperative for the development of fundamental research, essential and indispensable foundation for applied research in efficient time

Research should be particularly important in the energy field. It was, twice, before and after the oil shock, a serious mistake to base our economic and social model on a single energy source that is oil or nuclear. The Socialists are firmly committed to go out at all nuclear and say their priority is the reduction of energy expenditure in research on energy saving and the use of energy sources both diverse and alternative. Socialists promote research on the management of nuclear waste problem essential prior to any retention of nuclear energy production. Finally

Socialists intend to develop a policy of citizen research, that is to say that democracy has a right and duty to control the search. The precautionary principle should be applied broadly and marketing of new products, new molecules will be pourrat only after long-term studies on the impacts. Socialists declare and make effective the right of democratic control over science.

Health: prevention rather than heal.

A policy of economic recovery by sustainable economic growth is also a policy of protection of human health. Prevention rather than cure should become the leitmotif of socialist health. The cost of prevention and health education should be widely promoted. The constant concern of respect for the body, including the workplace, must become central. The guarantee of universal access to public health must be ensured in particular the homeless, people excluded from employment, students ... The state and security must fundamentally change their social ways of thinking about health policy: control of advertising directed at children, oral hygiene at school, safety inspection, food control, nutrition education, the fight against substandard housing , the control of the use of artificial molecules ... all of these examples illustrate another way of understanding why health prevention and compliance are top of the body.


A Green New Deal is a sustainable economic recovery policy that gives less than ten years change our country and its economic infrastructure to meet the challenges of sustainable development - in its threefold social, economic, environmental, while creating jobs and wealth in the short term. A Green New Deal requires economic planning, puts the economy at the service of man, creates jobs, meets the man and his environment. A Green New Deal struggle against poverty, cares for those who suffer most from the joint exploitation of land and rights, fight against inequalities, developing public service and preserves human health. Finally a Green New Deal is to strengthen the role of democracy in his first role, that collectively define what we mean to our society and decide collectively how to share with the public needs to answer these challenges and needs.
[1] leasing system encourages companies to develop products with greater life expectancy, promotes the repair, reuse of the object and allows tighter control of these wastes because they are business waste.


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