Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Clean White Leather Sofa Water

ban and defend the body and soul ... my grade, not to defend the extreme right

Here is some information that will not be published in Charlie Hebdo.
One of the advantages of being in an IEP is a very close friend rather than a Danish communist past four years ... We have known for very long as the newspaper had published the cartoons of Muhammad was the right back into an extreme hard-right ... Journal, which has been particularly recognized for his anti-immigration, particularly against Muslims. The Mohammed cartoons were then published by a newspaper in France is close to Philippe De Villiers. Between

ban these cartoons which I was and defend against body and soul there was a difference ... I did it ... it really was not many left ... I even think I had to make anti-Semitic insults at a time (about which stopped when I threatened to sue because that dirty filthy about my person. Prosecution important and should never be used for evil about to preserve its full strength). Believe that cartoons can not spread messages of hatred is truly forgotten history ... it disgusts me to see as a caricature that draws the god of Muslims as terrorists than to see Sarkozy caricatured with a hooked nose

... As I often say the last three years ... those who love so much this kind of caricature can always buy the newspaper Minute .... No need to be in Denmark for a press that amalgam and Muslim terrorism.

PS / recent events have proven that Charlie Hebdo was defending freedom of expression when it suits them ... Roll on Thursday that buy Sine Hebdo attack-of-Muhammad cartoonists de-s-show-with-the-extreme-droite_a91541.html? PHPSESSID = 5a034231619504d2256f295007f5d89a
Most cartoonists attacked Muhammad appears with the extreme right
The author of the famous cartoon of Muhammad with a turban-shaped bomb on his head has attended this weekend at the annual meeting of Danish People's Party, a political far-right Danish. What got this little man of 73 years?

But what was he doing in that galley? Kurt Westergaard, 73, is the Danish cartoonist who in late 2005, was represented in the pages of Jyllands-Posten the prophet Muhammad with a turban-shaped bomb on his head (his work was later resumed in February 2006 by the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo ). This Saturday, the man found himself the guest of honor of the Danish People's Party congress (DF), the Danish People's Party, or almost the equivalent of the National Front. Virulent remarks against Islam and the gathering was marked by virulent remarks at the podium against the Muslims. A leading member of the party who sits on the European Parliament, Mogens Camre , in particular benefited from this event to launch a diatribe against Islam which, he says, "is inconsistent with (the) values (Danish)" seeks to "dominate Europe" and must, ultimately, to "be deported". Kurt Westergaard, himself, was content in his speech to talk about "freedom of expression" and to tell his life under the protection of PET (the Danish RG) since the publication of the cartoons. But the old designer, once completed his speech, has tasted the pleasure of being wildly applauded by the audience. Probably a little intoxicated, he even allowed himself to sign autographs for activists! Right in his boots, he assumed ... As a first step, right in his boots, the cartoonist took his presence at this gathering of extreme right. He, who had escaped an assassination attempt in February, said "not a member of the Danish People's Party" and have just went there because there had been "invited". The man was also justified by explaining "have the right to speak and where he wants when he wants." Certainly. But if Congress made the trip to the DF, it is also, he says, to "thank" the boss of the far-right party for having provided support during the media storm caused by the publication of its design and eleven other caricatures of the prophet: "Only two politicians have supported me. One is the Socialist Mayor of Århus (note: the second largest city), Nicolai Wammen. The other is Pia Kjærsgaard , president of DF. ... But then backtracked the direction of his newspaper broke away from him. Not really amazing reaction from Børge Visby correspondent in France for the weekly Weekendavisen : "Jyllands-Posten has gone very right handed. It has since grown considerably and today, even if it's still a conservative newspaper, he became more neutral, he wants more respectable. Anyway, he does not want to be identified with the extreme right. "Dropped its drafting, Kurt Westergaard has finally engage the reverse gear. He expressed "regret" for attending this meeting too: "As a member of a newspaper, we can not allow themselves to identify a party. (...) In hindsight, I should not participate. "Regret, arriving a little late. After his participation in such a political rally, some people will undoubtedly another look - much less fun than this - on his work ...
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - 08:38 Gerald


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